(  ) are liquid assets

编辑时间: 2024-06-26 15:17:43     来源:速来学整理sulaixue.com

(  ) are liquid assets

1、(  ) are liquid assets.

A、Fixed assets

B、Accounts receivable

C、Long-term investment

D、Investment real estate


【答案解析】Accounts receivable are liquid assets. The remaining options are non-current assets.

2、A current liability is a debt that the company expects to pay within (  ) or the operating cycle, whichever is longer.

A、one year

B、5 years

C、10 years

D、20 years


【答案解析】A current liability is a debt that the company expects to pay within one year or the operating cycle

3、Accounting records are a systematic, chronological record of events in monetary units. (  )

 对      错   


【答案解析】The question is correct.

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